If you’re anything like me, you always miss free weekends. Without fail, I seem to find out about free weekends right as they’re winding down and my days off are all but over. Not this time, no sir. And I’m here to make sure you don’t miss out on it either. Beginning this Friday, a full five days away, Overwatch will be free on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Overwatch was a smash hit coming out of the gate. trouncing right over the very-similar (and by all accounts pretty good) shooter Battleborn. Overwatch comes from Blizzard, and they don’t exactly make bad games. Remember that if you want to play on PC, you have to register an account at Blizzard’s website. You can even start pre-downloading the game as early as tomorrow, so you’re ready to go the second it hits on midday Friday.

Overwatch’s popularity hasn’t waned a bit since its release almost a year ago, so you’ll have no issues whatsoever finding a packed server to play on. Iff you’ve rented the game or participated in free weekends in the past and decided the game wasn’t for you, keep in mind that Blizzard is always adding new content, so it might be worth it to give the game a second look.

The game still retails for forty dollars, so it’s definitely something you want to try out before you commit to a purchase. Forty bucks is forty bucks, and online shooters aren’t for everyone. Overwatch especially can be a bit overwhelming at first, and it’s easy to get frustrated and rage quit, which would serve as a good sign that the game isn’t for you. I’m looking at you, me.

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