All American Airlines Flights Grounded Due to Computer Error Dylan Duarte April 16, 2013 Extras The Federal Aviation Administration, the FAA, has grounded all American Airlines and some American Eagle flights after AA experienced computer problems that resulted in their reservations systems going down. The problem is expected to be resolved by 5pm ET at the latest, at which point normal flights will resume. Insert joke about American Airlines never being on time. Earlier today, American Airlines reported issues with their reservation and booking tool, where they said they were experiencing “intermittent” outages. The airline estimates that they fly roughly 275,000 passengers a day and receive more than 239,000 reservation calls, to give you an idea of just how many people are being affected by this issue. American Airlines is no stranger to controversy and mass complaints. I can only imagine that having that many passengers trapped in planes for that long isn’t going to help their reputation any. via Tech Crunch and CNN Share This With The World!