Google’s cloud storage service is now officially called Google One, a rebranding that was announced earlier this year. Google One storage is used with Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos, all services that are free to use.

Google has been converting customers over to the new branding for some time now, but the service is officially open to all US residents. The timeline for making it available in other countries is still a mystery.

The cheapest plan is 100 gigabytes of storage for $1.99, which is likely more than enough for the common consumer saving pictures, home movies, etc. It then goes to $2.99 for 200 gigabytes and $9.99 for 2 terabytes, and then just goes up from there. $9.99 used to get you 1 terabyte of storage, doubling that value. On the other hand, 100-gigabyte users previously had the option to pay $11.99 per year, cutting the price in half to a buck a month. That option is now gone.

The coolest change is the ability to share your plan with up to five people, which would effectively split your bill five ways. It’s especially useful if you don’t need anywhere near 100 gigabytes; you could cut your share to a measley 40 cents and still get 20 gigabytes, which will hold plenty of pictures.

If you’re thinking of trying out Google One, they offer 15 gigabytes for free, so you can poke around their interface and upload a few files to see if it’s something you want to spend money on.

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