Lovematically: When a Mouse Click Is Too Much Effort for Instagram Beth Snyder February 27, 2014 Let me start by saying I don’t use Instagram. I don’t get it…why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a digital camera and then filter your pictures so they look like they were taken in 1976 with a Kodak Brownie camera? But I know that millions of people do, and I’m probably just an old stick in the mud. I can deal with that. One thing that Instagram has in common with pretty much all other social media is the “like” button. Apparently on Instagram, it’s a little heart under each picture that you click if you like the photo. Seems simple enough. But it would seem that mouse click is too hard for a number of people. The effort involved in actually looking at their friends’ pictures and having to manually “love” each one is astronomical, and they cannot handle it. Well, thank all that’s holy someone made an app for that! Lovematically is an app that automatically likes all of your friends’ pictures so you don’t have to. I wish I was kidding. I have a couple of friends who seem to think that they need to hit “like” on everything I post anywhere on Facebook, and you know what? It’s annoying as heck. I’ve actually started blocking them from seeing most of my posts. I am now very glad indeed that I do not use Instagram, because they would be all over this thing like white on rice. If you are one of the people using this, your friends hate you. Sure, it’s nice to have your posts acknowledged in some way, but if you like each and every thing someone does, they assume you’re not actually reading or looking at it. Stop it. And get rid of this app if you’re using it. Your friends will thank you. Unless, of course, your friends are all about getting people to like things through some misguided idea that liking a picture on social media means they like them that much in person, in which case…carry on. Just be aware that other than those odd ones, everyone else is going to delete and/or block you because you bug them. I’m unclear as to whether this is still available or not, as Instagram started blocking it soon after it was made available to users (most likely for the reasons I’ve mentioned above, but probably others as well). I also have no idea if it costs money. I really hope not…if it does, that means a bunch of people have spent actual money in an effort to be more annoying than they already are. And that makes me sad. Source: Oh Gizmo Share This With The World!