It’s time once again for my favourite part of this job: scouring the web for the coolest and/or most ridiculous flash drives I can find. And they really do make great stocking stuffers, even for the non-geeks on your list. My mother even has five or six (although hers are all boring), and she’s about as computer illiterate as they come.

First up is the metal gun shape flash drive. It only comes in 4GB, and will run you $19.99 US. Kind of steep, but it’s actually made of metal. And besides which, who among us has not at some point wanted to thrust a gun in the computer’s virtual face and demand it do what we want it to? This one is actually about the size of a small derringer, so you can somewhat comfortably hold it in your had. Probably you shouldn’t take it to the airport. It comes in three different finishes: crystal, ringstone (no, I don’t know what that is, do you?) and chrome.

Source: 7 Gadgets

This one is known as the Amoeba Modular USB flash drive. It actually provides you with four different flash drives that hook together, so you can separate your files into different places for easier retrieval. Also, it will come in handy if you’re in the habit of putting personal files onto a flash drive with your work files, especially if you then pass the flash drive on to your co-workers. Everyone doesn’t need to see the pictures from last weekend’s drunken binge, after all. The best part is you can plug all of them in at once and separate your files out when you save them, so you don’t have to juggle flash drives around. Unfortunately, this is still just a concept, but it’s one I hope to see in reality soon!

Source: Technabob

I may have already featured this one, but I like it so you’re seeing it again. It’s the Voltron Lionforce Defender! He comes as a 3.5 inch PVC figure with a 4GB flash drive inside. Even better, it’s fully licensed. It comes preloaded with a remastered full episode of classic Voltron even, as well as wallpaper and a list of all the Voltron episodes on the off chance you’re missing one from your collection. Plus, the chest shield lights up and the sword is described as “blazing”. It’s not cheap at $37.00 US, but it is infinitely cool.

Source: 7 Gadgets

Next up is the Kingston Earth Angel. This one is also 4GB, and unfortunately is only sold in the APAC region, not worldwide. It’s made of environmentally friendly materials, and comes in recycled packaging. Kingston is donating a portion of each sale to World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF). What makes me giggle a bit is you have to pop the earth “head” off the angel body to use it, but the I’m a little twisted. This costs just RM38 ($12.00 US).

Source: Hardware Bistro

Photo geeks rejoice! Now you can keep your pictures on a flash drive shaped like a tiny DSLR camera. The actual flash drive is housed in the lens, so just like with a real camera you simply pull it off. It measures two inches wide and 1.25 inches tall, and comes in 4GB. You can pick one up for just $20.00 US.

Source: Walyou

Well, this is kinda disturbing, isn’t it? I thought you were supposed to carry a rabbit’s foot for luck. But hey…if a chicken foot really floats your boat, go for it! Just be careful which pocket you stick it in…those toes might be made of a pliable “rubber-like material”, but I bet they could poke you a good one. This is also only comes in 4GB (what’s up with that in this selection, anyway?), and is currently out of stock with no guess as to when it might be available. The price is listed at $10.88 US, however.

Source: 7 Gadgets

Data security is obviously important, even if you aren’t one of those folks with a government laptop you periodically hear about in the news. You can either lock up your flash drive, which can be incredibly inconvenient, or you can pick up a Crypteks flash drive that physically locks the actual memory stick into a combination safe. It’s made of solid aluminum and has an anodized layer to help repel dust and fingerprints. You create your own password using the five rings which feature all 26 letters of the alphabet. It also offers 256-bit AES hardware encryption. The password on the AES encryption cannot be customized, however. This one is available in 8GB ($130.00 US) or 16GB ($160.00 US) with a 4GB version to come soon.

Source: Gizmag

Who wouldn’t want Iron Man protecting their data? Not that he does much protecting, as it’s just the helmet, but it is pretty darn neat. It measures just 1.5 inches long by under an inch wide and deep, and weighs just 2.1 ounces. The eyes even light up when you plug it into your computer. It is not recommended that you carry it in a pocket with keys or change, for fear the finish will get scratched. This is another one only available in 4GB, which will cost you $39.99 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets

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