Facebook Messenger Adds Snapchat-Type Filters Dylan Duarte December 15, 2016 News The Facebook-Snapchat War of 2016 is heating up, with Facebook Messenger deploying a new secret weapon in the ongoing battle for supremacy: filters. An update rolling out today will give you the ability to add fancy effects to your selfie videos while using the Messenger app. Back in August Facebook rolled out Instagram Stories, a very blatant attempt at mimicking Snapchat Stories, and in Ireland they rolled out a camera update specifically for taking pictures that disappear. They’re not being subtle about this. They already have the userbase – as of July, Facebook Messenger has 1 billion monthly active users – so why not implement all of the features that keep their competitors relevant? I don’t use Snapchat or video chats very much, so I don’t have much of a dog in this fight, but why not use Facebook Messenger for this stuff? Haven’t another app feels redundant when we can just roll this all into one. I would much prefer Facebook simply buy Snapchat like they did with Instagram rather than drive them out of business, but I suppose if the only difference between the two products is a handful of silly filters, there’s no real reason to. Share This With The World!