It’s been a while since something new in LEGO has come out that caught my eye. Not that there hasn’t been anything, but it’s mostly been stuff I simply don’t find interesting outside of the LEGO factor. This, though…this is nothing short of fabulous. And I really wish I was creative enough to have thought of it myself.

“Relativity” is probably the most easily recognizable M.C. Escher piece, and one I have to admit I’ve spent innumerable hours staring at, tracing its impossible construction. Artist Paul Vermeesch has done it one better, though. Not only is it LEGO, but it uses Star Wars minifigs. This is a one-foot by one-foot model, and it’s lit from within. It would be interesting enough if that’s all there was to it, but it also represents the original Star Wars trilogy in counter-clockwise fashion. It also features a minifig-scale theatre which plays the LEGO CG version of the Star Wars saga.

Like I said…entirely too cool. I suppose you could make one for yourself if you put your mind to it. Me, I wish I could have it sitting in my living room, smack in the middle of everything so I can stare at it for hours.

Source: Gadget Review

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