Back in the beginning of July, Eye-Fi announced that they’d be discontinuing service for their X1 and X2 camera cards, rendering them into useless little squares of orange plastic. Well, fortunately for those who own the X2 cards, the folks at Eye-Fi are wonderful, beautiful liars. Sort of.

The X2 cards will be shadows of their former selves, but thanks to some software that Eye-Fi is releasing, they will retain some functionality after all. The new software, called Eye-Fi X2 Utility, will allow X2 cards to continue transferring images to PC via Wi-Fi. It’s not a lot, but it’s something, and now users won’t be stuck with dead cards. But! We’re not out of the woods yet.

The software will be available as a free download for Macs, but there’s no PC version as of yet and there may never be. So, in summary, the X1 cards will still be useless, and the X2 will continue to function for some people, but just barely. It’s a tough situation no matter how you cut it and I wouldn’t blame card owners for feeling like they got a bit swindled.

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