Joe Biden Is Invading Your Amazon Echo Michael Kwan September 25, 2017 News While his old buddy Barry is busy gathering leaders from the around the world for “a hands-on exchange of ideas in my hometown,” former US Vice President Joe Biden is finding his new home behind a fancy microphone. Following in the footsteps of such greats as Marc Maron and Chris Hardwick, Joe Biden is taking to the web with a brand new podcast. The daily news briefings, to be called Biden’s Briefing, will have the former Vice President delivering the Coles Notes version of what he feels is the big news of the day. Don’t expect him to yammer on too long about new Snapchat filters or what we can expect from the next Supreme clothing line drop, however. Instead, Biden’s Briefing will highlight stories that the believes are “informative” and “thought-provoking.” This doesn’t mean he necessarily agrees with them — this is Joe Biden, after all — but he feels they are worth discussing. He’ll be sourcing these stories from such traditional media partners as Bloomberg and MSNBC, as well as new media partners like Vice, Huffpost and even BuzzFeed. They’re saying that this is “news curated by Vice President Joe Biden.” You could say this is your daily Joe. (Get it? Sorry, not sorry.) You can either visit the Biden’s Briefing website to listen to the individual podcasts or you can subscribe through a variety of sources, like iTunes, Spotify and TuneIn Radio. What’s neat is that these briefings are also available as a free Alexa skill. You just have to tell Alexa to enable Biden’s Briefing. It’s also available through Google Home. And before you get too excited about listening to Joe every day, it should be noted that he’ll mostly be doing the introduction and sign-off, while the actual article will be read by a network of voice actors. We can’t have everything, I guess. Share This With The World!