Just in case you weren’t aware, the MEGATechNews team is also on site at CES 2011 along with the Futurelooks crew. Stay tuned for continuing video and exclusive coverage from both sites in the next couple days. Here’s a quick round up of what’s happening out there so far from our great affiliate news sites.

In other news, Beth, our regular news poster, is in the hospital and we wish her a speedy recovery. She should be back posting news very soon.

Hot Hardware reports that that at CES 2011: Four New Tablets Will Be Coming From Asus and check in with nVidia

Legit Reviews also reports on the new ASUS Tablets from CES 2011 along with SanDisk, nPower and Others including a visit with Micron and their new SSDs

TweakTown report on Lenovo’s CES 2011 Product Launch

ThinkComputers covers the CORSAIR CES 2011 Press Event

BCCHardware does TrendNet and the Microsoft Keynote

Hardware Canucks checks out GIGABYTE’s new G1 Killer Motherboards and the Special OC Orange one too

Bjorn3D checks in with ZALMAN and PowerColor

TweakNews does Corsair, Thermaltake, Patriot, Kingston and Trendnet

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for another couple of rounds!

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