Wake Up and Smell the Bacon: Shut Up and Take My Money Beth Snyder March 9, 2014 More than once, we’ve taken a look at different alarm clocks on my neverending quest to actually get up when I need to. I’ve even bought several of them, and while they work for a while, they don’t work forever. I own probably a dozen different alarm clocks, and I change the alarm sounds on my phone on a regular basis, because once I get used to something it no longer forces me out of a deep sleep. You know what almost always works? The smell of brewing coffee or frying bacon. Almost every single time, if I smell one of those two things, I’m awake in a matter of minutes and stumbling to the kitchen. Oscar Mayer knows this about me. Well, not just me, obviously, but people like me…especially as evidenced by the time the alarm is set for in the above picture. They’ve come up with this nifty little device that snaps into the bottom of your iPhone, and when coupled with an app emits the smell of bacon frying, right from your night stand! In addition, it also plays the sound of bacon sizzling, so you’re hit with a double whammy of fatty, salty, deliciousness. Except…there’s no bacon. None at all. There is just the sound and scent of bacon. Talk about your cruel jokes! What do you mean, I’m supposed to roll out of bed at some ungodly time of day, salivating at the thought of bacon, and there is no bacon!?! Wait, maybe I do see their plan. If you wake up to bacon every morning, you’re going to want bacon every morning. They are going to sell an astronomical amount of bacon. Nicely done, Osacar Mayer! This is not a product you can buy at this point. Instead, you have to head over to the Wake Up & Smell the Bacon website to apply for a chance. Make sure you have your sound up when you do…there’s a video response after you submit your application. If you don’t get one (and most of you will not), you can still download the Wake Up & Smell the Bacon app for your iPhone (no Android, which is the only fail here)…it just won’t have scent. I’m including the commercial, because it made me laugh right out loud more than once. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiWdF3u9C0w] Source: Ubergizmo Share This With The World!