Steve Jobs’s Stolen iPad Winds up in Street Clown’s Show Dylan Duarte August 17, 2012 Extras Everyone likes a happy ending and this one involves a clown! Last month, a man named Kariem McFarlin broke into the late Steve Jobs’s house and stole a few items including jewelry, Jobs’s wallet, and two iPads. One of those iPads he gave to his daughter. The other one he gave to a friend named Kenneth Kahn, better known to some as Kenny the Clown, who started incorporating the iPad of the late Steve Jobs into his street act. Kahn had no idea where the device came from until August 2nd, when McFarlin was arrested and the iPad was returned to the Jobs family. Kahn likened the situation to “getting a football from Joe Montana that was stolen out of his house” and said that if the situation weren’t as tragic as it is, it would be comical. We all know tragedy and comedy go hand in hand. Happy Friday, everyone. via The Verge Share This With The World!