You Can Now Order Essentials from Prime Now via Alexa Dylan Duarte March 21, 2017 News Prime Now is a wonderful service simply because waiting is terrible. With Amazon’s Prime Now, you can get your one-click order delivered directly to your doorstep in just two hours. The only way it could get better is if you eliminated the one-click part and you could just shout out what you wanted. Now you can. Prime Now ordering is now available on devices like the Echo, Echo Dot, and various Amazon Fire products – in an eligible Prime Now city, of course. If you have the service, simply tell your device what you want, it will confirm your order, and then your order will show up in just a couple hours. Not only is this the ideal solution to maximize laziness, but it’s also incredibly helpful if you’re sick or intoxicated and can’t physically make it to the store. In Seattle, you can even order booze, so you can make some poor delivery schmuck do your booze runs. Share This With The World!