Amazon Dash Button Offers Easy Reordering Beth Snyder April 5, 2015 News “I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.” This line kept repeating itself over and over in my head as I read about Amazon’s new Dash Replenishment Service, which integrates software into select hardware such as printers so they’ll automatically order whatever you’re out of without any instruction from you. It’s a little creepy, and I’m not sure I like it. (The above quote is from 2001: A Space Odyssey, by the way, by our buddy HAL 9000.) The Dash Button, however, is slightly less disturbing. It’s a button you can attach to your appliances (or whatever) so when you start to run low on something, all you have to do is push the button and your supplies will be ordered from Amazon without you needing to remember to do it the next time you’re on your computer. It’s a pretty simple idea, and if you’re a person who normally buys a great deal of household items from Amazon, the Dash Button seems like a neat thing to have. A couple of things: You have to be an Amazon Prime member, you have to have the Amazon app, and you have to have a home Wi-Fi network. Many of us already have at least two of those things, and I’m guessing if you’re the type to order laundry detergent rather than buying it at the store, you’re probably also a Prime member. The Dash Button is available for a narrow yet fairly inclusive variety of everyday products, and I would assume if it takes off, they’ll be adding more as time goes on. Cost is actually free, but as I said, it’s just for Prime members and also by invitation only. Source: Popular Science Share This With The World!