I know many people have recently updated their web browsers. Opera released a patch to the amazing Opera 11 which resolved an issue I was having with Google. Firefox just released Firefox 4 to record breaking download figures. And finally we all know about the new, improved, and very powerful Internet Explorer 9 from Microsoft.

Well, brand new web browsers was so last week. Now its time to introduce Firefox 5 beta 4, Firefox 6 alpha 1, and Internet Explorer 10. It would seem that both Mozilla and Microsoft are either trying to get a number as high as Opera, or at least bigger than Chrome 5 and Safari 5.

Most, if not all of the updates are either feature overhauls or adding support to new web standards to make building, view, and interactive with websites easier. Microsoft even went as far as to build a site using those new tools so you can test your current browsers against Internet Explorer 10. I will give you one guess as to which browser comes the closest to IE 10’s figures?

I am waiting on Opera 12 because I know the number bump will mean a system overhaul that will support your CSS3’s, HTML5’s, and superduperwebstuff7’s; however, I like the fact that news about their work doesn’t get plastered all over the net making me feel bad about what I currently already use. To everyone who just has to have the latest, even if it is not ready for the main stage, its time for an update….again.

Source: Tom’s Hardware

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