
We here at MEGATechNews love our readers. We love you guys. That’s why we work so hard with partners like Diamond Multimedia and IDAPT to put together some fantastic prizes to give away to you wonderful people. We held not one, not two, but six giveaways in February and March for exactly this reason.

I neglected to post the winners from the three giveaways we did with Diamond Multimedia back in February, so I thought I’d do that now. As I understand it, all the prizes should have shipped out and if they haven’t received them already, they should be getting them very soon.

And in March, we got together with IDAPT to offer three of their awesome universal charging products to the MEGATechNews online community too. I reached out to the winners, selected at random from all the validated entries received, in the last couple of days and they’ve gotten back to me with their preferred shipping addresses. That info has been passed along to IDAPT and the prizes should be shipping out within the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again to everyone who entered. We wouldn’t be here reporting and covering all the MEGATechie gadget goodness in the world if it were not for your support. Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time around, because I hear that we already have another giveaway percolating in the background. Stay tuned and we’ll be posting details about that soon.

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