If you’re anything like me, your best friend in the morning is the snooze button. Drives other people crazy, but I would be more than happy to hit that thing every nine minutes until noon rather than having to get out of bed. This, however, would put an end to that, I think. Although for those of you who absolutely require a cup of coffee before you even remember your own name, it might not be such a good idea. I think I might like to give it a try, though.

How it works is the alarm goes off. You are then given between one and three multiple-choice questions to answer before the alarm will shut itself off. You get to choose how many questions and their level of difficulty. Don’t worry; if you’re simply stuck you can hold the power button down for 30 seconds and it will shut off, but by then you’ve probably been dealing with it for at least a couple of minutes and you’re most likely awake anyway.

This is still in the concept phase, but if it ever comes on the market I bet there’ll be a number of college students whose parents get them one for Christmas.

Source: technabob

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