Turn Your Old Hardware into Art with Display-z James White September 3, 2012 Extras How many people here have old graphics cards lying around? You held out for the next generation and then couldn’t sell your old graphics card. I have at least four graphics cards in my room right now with two not being used. Mr. James Anderson may have a better idea for those engineering marvels to take up space with Display-z (pronounced Displays). Display-z is an all aluminum block to allow your old GPUs to be put on display as art. It’s that simple. You place your old AGP, PCI, or PCI-E graphics cards into a Display-z. Then you place the entire thing on your mantle or shelf for everyone to see. In the case of more modern graphics cards you might want to remove the cooler housing. After all, its whats on the inside that counts. For more information you can read the e-mail below or go straight to the Display-z Kickstarter here to donate right away. You can also find a great video montage of Display-z with more flattering GPUs on display. [hide-this-part morelink=”Full E-mail”] Dear FutureLooks: Hello My name is James Anderson. Recently I started a Kickstarter project called Display-z. Display-z are display stands I’ve created to show off some of your most beloved and best looking computer hardware. Now I know your website deals primarily with computer hardware reviews and many of your readers are considered enthusiasts. That is exactly the type of people I made Display-z for, computer hardware enthusiasts. Display-z are a great product for anyone who loves their hardware and want to preserve it and show it off. Each one is made out of solid aluminum, then powder coated, and fitted with various connectors all designed to provide a stable base, fit any PCI, AGP, or PCI Express component, and also match any case or hardware. Each one is designed and made in the United States. It’s really a great product and I think many people would enjoy having one, especially if you are into hardware as much as me. I just need help reaching these people and anything you guys could do would be greatly appreciated. Whether that be a website story, a Facebook or twitter shout out, or even a quote. Anything would help and it would help get this product made for people to use and enjoy. You can view the project at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/787804131/display-z, there you will find all the details about the project and product along with links to high-resolution photos. If you have any questions please feel free to email me back. Thank You, James Anderson [/hide-this-part] Share This With The World!