If You Text and Drive, the Government Will Yell at you on Twitter Dylan Duarte April 22, 2016 News Look, texting and driving is stupid. There are no two ways about it. You’re putting your life and the lives of others at risk for the sake of engaging in mundane chat that’s probably fifty-percent emojis. So if you text and drive, you should be shamed, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is taking to Twitter to do just that. Right now their official Twitter feed is targeting users who claim to text while driving and putting them on blast for the entire Internet to see. They’re not even replying directly to the users, which would mean you’d only see the tweet if you followed by that user and the NHTSA; they’re simply tagging them in tweets so that anybody looking at the government agency’s feed can see them. While it may seem bizarrely personal, keep in mind that, statistically speaking, lives are at stake. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this method was fairly effective. Nobody wants to be publicly shamed, so the NHTSA is hitting reckless drivers where it hurts: their pride. My hat’s off to the agency for a clever response to a very serious problem. If it results in just one person putting their phone away while they’re driving, I say job well done. Share This With The World!