T-Mobile Unlimited Plan Raises Throttle Limit Michael Kwan September 20, 2017 News Last week, we talked about the $10 wearables plan from T-Mobile and how you’re throttled down to an abysmal 512kbps right off the bat. Excuses are excuses, but that’s pretty bad for this day and age. The good news is that if you get an unlimited plan from T-Mobile for your actual smartphone, you can expect the fastest available speed for much longer. If you’re the kind of person who spends all your time on Spotify and Netflix, you’ll be happy to hear that the throttle threshold on your T-Mobile unlimited data plan has now been increased to 50 GB. This means that, in any given month, you can gobble up (or down, as the case may be) a full fifty gigs of data on your mobile device before they’ll kick you down to the lower network speeds. With that much data, you could conceivably binge-watch every episode of the Fuller House or The Defenders without breaking a sweat. The old limit was set at 32GB, which was already significantly higher than the 22GB limit on the Beyond unlimited plan from Verizon. And even then, T-Mobile says that you won’t necessarily be throttled down the moment you break past the 50GB barrier. Instead, it only happens if you happen to be in an area with a lot of other heavy users, in an effort to help reduce some of that network load. If you live in an area where you’re the only one streaming Google Play Music 24 hours a day, you’re probably still going to be. And even if you’re in an area with heavier usage overall, you’re only going to be “de-prioritized” over users who haven’t hit the limit yet. If there aren’t too many people gobbling up data at the moment, you still enjoy full speeds. And then things go back to normal with each billing cycle. Share This With The World!