You know by now how often I make fun of spy gadgets, hidden cameras, and all manner of products that are supposed to be for security. I can’t help it. Some of them are just ridiculous. But this…this is something I’m probably going to buy for my nephew for Christmas. He’s twelve, and his sister is fourteen. I’m sure she’ll hate me for it, but I can totally see him using this to spy on her and her friends, and I’m going to encourage that because I’m evil.

You get one RC vehicle and one colour video controller, which combined require ten AA batteries. The two can communicate up to 200 feet apart, even through walls. The car even has a night vision camera, so you can see what people are doing even if they turn off the lights. The controller sees with live colour, and displays what the camera is seeing on an LCD screen. The angle of the camera is fully adjustable.

The car measures 17 x 5 x 12 inches, so it’s not going to be subtle. But then since this is supposed to be a kid’s toy, it really doesn’t need to be. Your little voyeur will think he or she is being sneaky enough just by using it. The manufacturer recommends this for ages 8 – 12. Price is $79.99 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets

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