Share-A-Watt: When Power Access is Limited Beth Snyder September 20, 2011 How many times does this happen? You’re out and about somewhere, and either there aren’t any power outlets available or you have more devices that need charging than there are available outlets or USB ports. Either you can rely on the kindness of strangers, or you can offer something to make everyone’s life easier. I’m thinking the latter is probably your best bet, and the Share-A-Watt is just the thing for it. Essentially, this is a travel-size power strip that uses only one electrical outlet, but provides you with not only an additional outlet but two USB ports as well. It also acts as a surge protector with LED indicators. It features a flexible cable with a low-profile plug, so you should be able to use it just about anywhere. The surge protector is full 3 line protected (L-N, L-E, N-E), and the unit measures 7.75″ x 2.25″ x 1.125″ while weighing just seven ounces. It’s rated for 15A, 125V. Of course, you still may have to ask someone to unplug for a moment so you can insert Share-A-Watt, but they’re going to be more inclined to help you than if you just ask them to remove their cord so you can use yours. And it’s cheap, too! You can pick one of these up for just $19.99 US. Source: Red Ferret Share This With The World!