Here at MEGATech News, we like to point you, our beloved reader, towards good deals on awesome items. We want you to get your stuff for cheap, if not completely free. You work hard for your money, so you should get the best bang for your buck. The Elite Crown Jewel is not the best bang for anyone’s buck.

We also like to point out insane products with ludicrous prices, not for you to buy, but for you to stare at in amazement along with us as our heads fill with questions such as who in their right mind would buy this? and who is this even for? And, of course, the classic: why?

Why, indeed. Ring is a company that develops smart home accessories. One of those accessories is the Video Doorbell Elite, which retails for around five hundred bucks, and will give you HD and infrared night vision views of your front porch. Now there’s the Elite Crown Jewel, which is largely the same thing, but with an 18-karat gold faceplate encrusted with 2,077 sapphires and 40 diamonds. It costs $100,000. You know the thousand bucks you spent on your iPhone X? It’s that, times one hundred.

The Video Doorbell Elite is obviously meant to help with security. The video capabilities, coupled with the infrared night vision, will help you catch criminals in the act of doing criminal things, like maybe trying to steal your $100,000 jewel-encrusted doorbell that you put outside for them to steal. You put it outside, where the criminals live.

Ring teamed up with Bijan Jewelry to make ten of these criminal-baiting monstrosities, and they’re only available at the Selfridges on Oxford Street in London. According to Google, as of the time of this writing, the store is about to close, so you better hurry! The Elite Crown Jewel can be yours today! (and a criminal’s tomorrow!)

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