If you’re a PC gamer, you can identify a Razer accessory from a mile away, with it’s green and black color scheme, like they’re all made from recycled Monster energy drink cans. Recently they’ve dabbled in the Chroma system, which lets users change which colors come pour through the lights, but the finish on the products has always been black.

Until now, that is.

Fans of the company have been clamoring for new colors and the good folks at Razer have heard that clamoring and provided. The Blackwidow X keyboard, Lancehead mouse, Kraken 7.1 headphones, and even the Invicta mouse pad all now come in Mercury (white) and Gunmetal variants, in addition of course to the traditional matte black. They’re all available right now on the official Razer website.

Razer actually launched a gunmetal version of the Razer Blade Stealth this summer, so they had already started branching out a bit. Granted, adding white and gray to the existing black might mean that they simply offer varying shades of non-color, but it’s still variety. And variety is the spice of life!

Funny enough, the color options of the upcoming iPhone 8 have been the subject of discussion lately, specifically the exclusion of Rose Gold and the addition of Copper Gold. It brings to mind a simpler time when gadget fiends got what they got and they were happy about it (i.e. silently, painfully complaining on the inside). Back in my day, when I was a kid, yada yada, grumble grumble. Choice is good. And even if your Razer product doesn’t come in Simpsons yellow or Blood Moon Red or whatever crazy color they whip up, you’ll still have the Chroma system, where you can paint your house in bright, rainbow Skittles light. That has to be better than the same old Monster Energy Drink aesthetic.

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