Have you ever wanted to have a device that’s remotely similar in shape to a Magic 8-Ball, except one side is sliced off and it’s got a camera, a round display, and far field microphones? Are you Canadian? Well, you’re in luck because the Amazon Echo Spot is now up for pre-order in Canada and it’s ready to invade your bedroom.

You might remember that the Amazon Echo Spot was announced and released late last year in the United States. It subsequently expanded to Europe in January. Well, Canadians can now count themselves among the lucky millions to have a round screen with a camera in their bedrooms too. Well, in a couple of weeks anyway.

The Echo Spot joins the 2nd generation Amazon Echo, the more affordable Echo Dot, and the premium Echo Plus in the Canadian Alexa family. There’s still no official word on if and when the bigger Echo Show with its rectangular display will make its way up here too.

As can be expected, you get the same access to Alexa as you do with other Echo devices, except this one comes with a round screen. Instead of simply being told the weather, you get to see the weather. The same is true with calendars, to-do lists, and video flash briefings. You can also hop onto the live video feed of supported smart home products and engage in video calls with other users too.

The Canadianization of the Echo Spot includes expanded Canadian content, like video flash briefings from CTV News and Entertainment Tonight Canada. They’re also expecting to see “visual skills” from such developers as Air Canada and The Weather Network.

The Amazon Echo Spot is now available for pre-order on Amazon.ca for $169.99 Canadian with a scheduled ship date of April 25. If you really can’t wait and have an American address, you can pick it up on Amazon.com for $129.99 US right now. They’ve also got a promotion going on where you save $40 automatically if you buy two of them.

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