Porn Detection Stick: Big Brother Really Is Watching You Beth Snyder April 12, 2011 I have been sitting here for quite a few minutes trying to figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The liberal part of me is screaming that it’s no one’s business but my own if I choose, as an adult, to have porn on my computer (providing it’s legal porn, of course). On the other hand, people are idiots. If you need to make sure your work computer is clean (or identify someone who is not making it so), then this is not a bad thing at all. It’s really pretty simple how it works, and it’s fairly quick and accurate. You plug the USB drive into the computer you want to search, start it up, and wait for it to do its thing. It uses image cleanup, skin detection, background elimination, edge detection, body part separation, negative curvature rejection, elimination, face detection, and body part layout decision to analyze not just digital images but all files that might contain images. It supports over 15 different image formats, and is able to filter over 99% of non-pornographic images for you. Any images it finds questionable it suspends so you can look at them. Cost will be right around $100.00 US. Source: Oh Gizmo! Share This With The World!