In a perfect moment of generations colliding, Pope Francis arrived in the United States to greet President Obama and his family, all while being captured on the White House’s official Periscope account, which was created this less than a week prior. This is the most excitngly absurd thing to happen since Pizza Rat.

Over 11,000 viewers tuned it to the historic event. Twitter, the company that owns Periscope, is milking the occurence for all its worth, releasing three different emoji that can be used to track the pope’s movements as he visits Washington D.C., New York, and Philadelpha. Perhaps he wants a cheese steak or he’d like to meet the Fresh Prince. (Just kidding, I respect and understand Philadelphia’s historical significance.)

Even though I called this absurd, I like that Obama is embracing technology and social media with open arms. Whether you love or hate Twitter, Instragram, and the like, they’re a part of our culture now, and it’s nice to POTUS exhibiting such awareness.

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