
By now, everyone is well aware of the iPhone 6’s bending problem. The Internet was quick to label it “bendgate,” because the last thing you’ll find on the Internet is innovation and creativity. It’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed. Apple did so last week, but their response was less of a solution and more of just an apathetic shrugging off of the problem. Unfortunately for them, this isn’t a problem that’s going to go away any time soon, as evidenced by a surge of videos of consumers bending their iPhones.

Most of the people who have participated in this mass bending have been kind enough to only damage their own phones, but two (seemingly) teenage boys posted a video online of themselves walking into an Apple store and bending at least four phones that didn’t belong to them. Realizing that they were idiots commiting a crime, they’ve since removed the video – in which they film their faces and clearly say their names – but copies of the video have already sprung up and you can watch one immediately below.

I understand the frustration that many Apple consumers are feeling right now, but that has nothing to do with this. These kids are trolls and nothing more. They act like they’re rebelling against a corporate giant, but they’re just two little brats committing a pointless crime and looking like idiots while doing it. I would say it’s just kids being kids (albeit horrible, misbehaving kids), if it weren’t for Walter Piecyk – analyst for BTIG and confirmed grown man – walking into an AT&T store and attempting to do the same exact thing. I say attempting because he wasn’t able to pull it off, which somehow makes it funnier and even more absurd.

The Piecyk incident is what throws me for a loop. What the two kids did could be chalked up to a stupid prank, but the fact that a grown man thought it was okay to walk into a store and try to damage store property in an attempt to verify a claim is absolutely mind-boggling. One of the kids in the video attempts to justify his actions by saying that it’s Apple’s fault, but I doubt he even believes that himself. What would Piecyk have said if he had successfully bent the phone? Would he have apologized and paid for it? Hey everyone, please stop walking into stores and bending iPhone 6 models that aren’t yours.

via The Verge

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