As I write this, a huge torrent of rain just hit my northern California home (it won’t last more than ten minutes) and I’ve had to set a bowl next to the front door to catch the water leaking in through the roof. It’s a damp reminder that leaks are usually bad.


While the OnePlus Two has yet to be officially unveiled, a recent benchmark has possibly leaked the phone’s specs. The phone was being disguised as the OnePlus One, but the serial number used was A2001, while the OnePlus One’s serial number was A0001.

If this is indeed the OnePlus Two – and it more than likely is – we now know that it’s rocking a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor and 3GM of RAM, while running Android 5.1 Lollipop. That puts it right up there with the best that Android has to offer, and at a decent price, too – likely $400. And it’s likely to hit in the third quarter of this year. All of this is likely, as nothing has been officially announced yet.


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