Nyko Miniboss Wireless Controller for NES Classic Cuts the Short Cord Michael Kwan November 3, 2016 News All ye retro nerds rejoice! You’ll soon be able to wax nostalgic from afar, no longer tethered so close to the positively massive television in your living room. The NES Classic Edition was announced back in July and we all got excited. However, one of the problems with the retro console was that the controller cord was too short. The new Nyko Miniboss solves that problem by cutting the cord. Literally. Nyko, a company that makes a huge range of gaming accessories, has made a wireless controller for the NES Classic that’ll offer up to 30 feet of range. In effect, it works very similarly to the Wavebird for the GameCube, which continues to be one of the best wireless controllers ever made. In this case, the Nyko Miniboss comes with a little dongle that plugs into the proprietary controller port on your NES Classic. The wireless controller itself is styled like the original blocky controller that came with the original NES. So, that’s cool. Nyko is also offering a less elegant but more affordable option with the Extend Link. This is basically an extension cord for your NES Classic controller, extending the length by a good six feet. It’s also compatible iwth some Wii and Wii U wired controllers too. For everyone’s sake, I hope the Nyko Miniboss is drastically better than the wireless controllers that came with the third-party Genesis mini console by AtGames. Those controllers were terrible. The Nyko Miniboss wireless controller and Extend Link extension cord for the NES Classic Edition are expected to ship later this month, listing for $19.99 and $9.99, respectively. The official wired controller from Nintendo is $9.99, for reference. You’ll be able to find both Nyko accessories on Amazon.com, as well as through the Nyko website at at GameStop locations. Share This With The World!