
Holidays are coming up sooner than you think, and what better present to give than a new LEGO kit? As always, not everything in this showcase will be something you can actually purchase, but some of them you can. The rest are here because I remain continuously amazed by some of the things people create out of little plastic bricks. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

First up is the United Nations headquarters. This one comes to us from the LEGO Architecture Landmark Series, and comes with 597 pieces as well as a booklet containing details about the design and history of this iconic building. The finished sculpture measures 8” (21cm) wide, 5” (14cm) high, 6” (15cm) deep, and is detailed enough that it is instantly recognizable. You can pick one up for $49.99 US.

Source: Geek Alerts


Here we have the LEGO Monster Fighters Vampyre Hearse. Recommended for ages 8-14 (I love how they put a top end age on these as if grownups around the world don’t also play with LEGO), this one contains 314 pieces. In addition to the hearse, you also get Dr. Rodney Rathbone’s motorcycle and moonstone and 4 weapons. As an added bonus, the hearse features a coffin with a catapult function. Finished, the whole thing measures over 4″ (10cm) high, 3″ (7cm) wide and 7″ (19cm) long. These are available now for $50.99 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets


Remember the Golden Girls? Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia, and Rose made me giggle on a regular basis. Now you can bring them home as LEGO minifigs, to act out your favourite scenes or create new ones. Unfortunately, since these are sold through a shop on Etsy, it’s hard to say if they will be available again or not. Currently, the seller has no active listings, but I know from running my own Etsy shop that doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t any…it just could be that the listings have expired. Anyway, right now it doesn’t appear that you can purchase a set.

Source: Nerd Approved


Here’s one on Etsy that you can buy! Custom LEGO arcade complete with a LEGO punk rocker minifig to play it. You get six classic 1980’s video games (TRON, Pole Position, Donkey Kong, Superman, Super Mario Bros. and PacMan), each of which measures 2.1” x 1.25”. The minifig is, of course, minifig size. Put one under your tree for $69.99 US.

Source: Technabob


In case you don’t recognize it (although I hope you do), this is the LEGO Star Wars Gungan Sub. It measures 16? (43cm) long and 10? (27cm) wide, and is comprised of 465 pieces. It’s recommended for ages 8-14 (again with the upper age limit!), and comes with a detachable mini-sub, harpoon, 2 light sabers, 4 flick missiles, and Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi minifigs. You can pick one up for under $70.00 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets


Ron Burgundy. I saw the first movie, and while I giggled a couple of times I have no inclination to see the second. However, the minifig is kind of fun. It even comes with its own little bottle of Scotch! Custom-printed by Citizen Brick, and made of 100% real LEGO parts, this is another one from Etsy, where you can pre-order yours for $20.00 US. No word on exactly when shipping will happen, but one can hope it would be prior to Christmas.

Source: Gadget Review


Thorsten Bonsch (aka Xenomurphy) took a year to design and build this incredible version of Arkham Asylum, and it’s amazing. Not only did he create this beautiful (and creepy) piece of art, but he’s published an 82-page guide detailing exactly how he went about it. This thing is just neat.

Source: Nerd Approved


Do you know someone who loves LEGO so much they want to wear it? Now they can. This ring, created by someone calling herself COVO, comes in a variety of metals and has, as you can see, two studs where you can mount a LEGO minifig or other bricks. The cheapest option is a ring made of steel for $41.00 US, and pretty much the sky is the limit from there. If you can pay for it and it’s a metal that can be made into a ring, you can have it. I want one.

Source: Geekologie


This has officially made the top ten list of things I simply must have in my house. This truly amazing and really quite pretty Tardis was built by Shelly Timson in 1:3 scale, using over 4,000 bricks (most of which were custom printed by Inside the Brick founder Rob Deakin to give them their shiny finish). This will be on display at the Inside the Brick studios in Australia, on the off chance you can swing by to see it in person. The rest of us will have to make do with pictures.

Source: Technabob


Since we’re coming up on the holidays, I thought I’d toss a warm fuzzy story in here. Schildi the tortoise was abandoned by his owners, but some good Samaritans found him and brought him to some wonderful German veterinarians. This wouldn’t make for a story, until you know that Schildi was missing a leg. He was in really bad shape because the leg had gotten mangled, so they had to stabilize him and bring him back to health before they could work on his missing limb. Once he was basically healthy again, one of the vets used veterinary surgical glue to stick a base block to its underside, and attached a single wheel to the base, then attached the wheel where Schildi’s missing leg was. He’s now known as the bionic turtle, and scooting around quite handily on his LEGO wheel. They plan to see him annually for checkups and replacement wheels.

Source: Gizmodiva


Well, who wouldn’t want to build their own Elf Army? With this 276-piece kit you get 2 Gundabad Orcs, Thranduil, Mirkwood Elf, 2 Mirkwood Elf Archers (exclusive to this set), Elven blade, long sword, spear, Orc sword and 3 longbows, gem, Orc armor, 2 quivers and 2 Mirkwood Elf shields. The tree and wall measures over 4″ high, 9″ wide and 4″ deep, while the weapon rack measures 1″ high, 1″ wide and 1″ deep. Take one home today for $54.99 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets


I’ll close this one out with a video card, since we are a tech site even though we love LEGO. Nick V aka Brickthing created this one, and I like it. Looks just like a number of video cards I’ve seen come through my inbox, except for the part where it’s made of LEGO bricks instead of electronics, of course. I have this vision of giving this to someone who asked for a video card for Christmas, because I’m like that. Anyway, he calls this the PowerBuild CRLMRM IRON HD. And it’s not one you can buy.

Source: Technabob

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