MEGATech Showcase: Last Minute Christmas Ideas Beth Snyder December 21, 2013 Features It’s not quite too late… you can (just barely) manage to finish your shopping if you try really, really hard. And you have to be patient. And willing to walk a really long way from your car to the store. Or pay exorbitant shipping. But if you’re still struggling, maybe you’ll get some ideas from this post (or that other gift guide we put together). Of course, if you’re already done, you may see something you wish you’d bought. There’s always next year! First up we’ve got what is probably one of the best ornament sets I’ve seen in quite some time. Each of these Star Wars characters stands around 2-3 inches in height, and they are made of PVC. The set of eight includes Chewbacca, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, Yoda, Wicket, Boba Fett, and a Stormtrooper, and you can own them for just $49.95 US. Source: 7 Gadgets If Star Wars isn’t your thing (although I cannot quite wrap my head around that), maybe Donkey Kong will be more your style. Decorate your tree in 8-bit wonderfulness for $60.00 US. The set is made of Perler beads, and includes a Donkey Kong tree topper, Mario and Pauline, three bridges, two ladders, two falling barrels and two rolling barrels…I really want to say, “and a partridge in a pear tree”, but that’s not included. Source: Walyou It wouldn’t be Christmas without an obligatory snow globe. But this one has the added bonus of reminding you of your favourite show. Because anybody can have a snow globe with a nice little village scene and glittery white flakes drifting about, but not everyone is going to have the Breaking Bad Winnebago with chunks of Blue Sky floating in it. You can get one for $40.00 US. Source: Nerd Approved Perhaps a snow globe isn’t for you. How do you feel about gingerbread houses? This one was created by the Sugar Plum Cake Shop, and features Walter and Jesse’s cookie alter-egos along with their mobile lab and a bag of crystal. I kind of wish I wasn’t already done with my holiday baking, or I’d have to seriously consider making one of these myself. Source: Technabob Let me just start by saying when I saw this, I laughed until I had tears streaming down my face and I had hiccups so bad I wanted to die. And then I laughed some more. Because this is an absolutely brilliant marriage of pun, wit, and creativity. If you don’t get it, I’m sorry. But here…Wreath of Khan. You’re welcome. Annie Shapiro is my new hero, and I mean that sincerely. Source: Nerd Approved More gingerbread! Christmas is definitely a time for gingerbread. This one is particularly special, however, because it’s not only a Tardis with a Doctor figure, if you turn it a bit you also see it’s got Sherlock’s address and he’s there as well! This was created by someone calling themselves Wholock (get it?), and it implies that something more than just the game may be afoot. Source: Technabob Continuing with the gingerbread theme…it appears everything actually is bigger in Texas! This is claimed to be the world’s largest gingerbread house, and I believe it. Of course, the structural part isn’t all gingerbread or it would collapse, and I think that’s cheating, but so be it. The Guinness Book of World Records says it counts, and who am I to argue? The house measures 39,201.8 cubic feet (1,110.1 cubic meters), and is on display at the Traditions Golf Club in the city of Bryan, TX. I’ve got to quote this directly, because my jaw dropped. “It took 7,200 pounds (3,266 kg) of flour, 7,200 eggs, approximately 3,000 pounds (1,361 kg) of brown sugar, 1,800 pounds (816 kg) of butter and 22,304 pieces of candy to build the fairytale house, which measures 20.11 ft (6.12 m) high, 60 ft (18.3 m) wide and 42 ft (12.8 m) deep.” Source: Gizmag Not to be outdone, New York chef Jon Lovitch decided to build the world’s largest gingerbread village, although it’s considerably smaller than the house in Texas. This one, however, is made purely of confectionery treats and baked goods, so in my mind it’s better. Guinness again agrees, and this one currently holds the record. It took 2,240 pounds of icing, 400 pounds of candy, 500 pounds of gingerbread dough and 125 hours to make, and also features trees, trains and an underground subway in addition to the homes. You can see it at the New York Hall of Science. Source: That’s Nerdalicious I honestly don’t know what to think of this, but I’m pretty sure I like it. Santa Cthulhu, complete with Octi-Sleigh pulled by the Shoggoth. Really, what can one add in words to the picture that could possibly make it any more amazing? Cthulhu is about 11 inches tall and made of felted wool. The Shoggoth is also felted wool, with epoxy clay teeth and glass cabochon eyes. The Octi-Sleigh is made of epoxy clay and wire. This was created by Amy Rawson, and can be yours for $595.00 US. Source: Technabob Coming back to more traditional decorations for a minute, this Mr. Potato Head ornament is awfully cute. He’s made of glass, and could only be better if you could rearrange his parts like a real one. I was always the one who put his eyes where his feet go, and an arm sticking out of what should be his mouth. He can perch on your tree for about $13.00 US. Source: Geek Alerts I include this picture purely because I love it. I have no information about it. I don’t have a clue who decorated Professor Snape, and the only reason I care is because I would love to give them credit for it. This is too funny, and I love that in lieu of a tree they’ve chosen to decorate a cardboard cutout. Especially since it’s Snape, who obviously isn’t thrilled with the idea. Source: Nerd Approved I’ve seen some pretty creative things made out of those old computer parts we all have in a box in the closet, but this LED motherboard Christmas tree is actually kind of pretty. This cute little tree will sit on your desk, or it can be hung as a decoration. It has 16 red flashing LEDs, but also comes with extra green and yellow LEDs so you can customize it to your taste. It’s powered by a 9v battery (not included), or apparently can run off the 12v power outlet in your car (although it’s not clear if there’s an adapter for that). You can tell how tiny it is, though, so it probably wouldn’t be too bad on your dashboard. Pricing ranges from about $5.00 to $13.00 US. Source: Coolest Gadgets Everybody has someone on their list who is not a fan of Christmas, right? I know I do. I usually trick him into taking some baked goods, but he really doesn’t like presents. I bought him one of these this year…it’ll be funny for me even if he isn’t amused. This is the Bah, Humbug candy cane, and it has no stripes and no flavour. It is edible candy, but it’s a generic candy taste…not even a hint of peppermint. Get one for the Scrooge in your life for just $5.99 US. Source: Oh Gizmo Most of you are thinking, “There’s no way I have time to order any of these things!” You’re probably right, but then whose fault is that? But you can still pull decorations out of your figurative hat, no worries. LEGOManiac Chris McVeigh has kits of bricks and detailed instructions on how to make several different ornaments out of LEGO. If you’ve got your own bricks, you don’t even have to buy any, you can just check out his downloadable build-it-yourself guides. Source: Geekologie The US government might not be interested in doing it, but you can build your own Death Star. This one is small enough to hang on your tree, and every tree needs one. Someone called craftycounterparts made this one using a clear acrylic ball, LED tealights, clay, and a little spray paint, and you certainly can as well. They’ve even posted step-by-step directions on Instructables to help you out. You want one, you know you do. Source: Nerd Approved Share This With The World!