When I did the first flash drive post, I had no idea it would become a recurring theme and end up being an ongoing project I could post repeatedly. There are just so many varieties available I just can’t get enough of them.

First we have something for those of you who simply can’t get enough deep-fried potato goodness. Who wouldn’t want a flash drive shaped like McDonald’s french fries? It comes in 2GB, 4GB and 8GB, and ranges in price from $7.47 US to $14.65 US with free shipping.

Source: Geek Alerts

Next we have the ISO Stick. This is not just an ordinary flash drive, though…this also emulates an optical drive! The best part is your computer will recognize it as both. You can boot from it as well as change the CD or DVD image before booting (it has its own bootloader). This one is a Kickstarter project (which has already reached its target goal), but if you want one you can pledge at least $125.00 US to guarantee you get one of the first ones if the project takes off. ISO Stick will be available in 8GB, 16GB and 32GB formats.

Source: Technabob

I’m fairly certain I’ve written about this one in its own post before, but it’s LEGO and so it bears repeating. Yeah, I’m like that. This isn’t really a very good deal for the money, but it makes up for it in coolness. It’s only 2GB, and costs $24.99 US. But it has a keychain! OK, fine…it costs way too much for what you get. But it’s LEGO! I want one! Besides, it makes me giggle that you have to pull his pants off to access the drive. I’m sure there’s an inappropriate joke in there somewhere.

Source: The Gadgeteer

Here’s one for the kids! It’s funny for me that the Smurfs are popular again, but with the new movie out a whole new generation of kids are going to fall in love with the little blue guys. You get to choose between Papa Smurf and Jokey Smurf, but there is no word on when they might add any of the others (me, I want Brainy Smurf…he was my favourite). They come in either 4GB ($15.99 US) or 8GB ($21.99 US).

Source: 7 Gadgets

It’s a flash drive! No, wait…it’s a paper clip! Nope, it’s the Elecom Data Clip! The only design flaw I see here is that the flash drive ends up sticking out over the edge of whatever you have it clipped to, so you’ll have to be careful stuffing things in your briefcase. But the idea is neat. No word yet on capacity, pricing or availability, but they’re something to keep an eye out for.

Source: Ubergizmo

This one I know I featured a while back, but it’s making another appearance and while I find it hard to believe you might have missed the post, I’m going to mention it again just in case.

The FlashHarp is a working harmonica with a USB flash drive inside. It even comes with an instructional video to help you start playing! It comes in 2GB, 4GB or 8GB, and you can even have it engraved with your name. The basic models run $49.95 US, $59.95 US and $89.95 US, while the personalized versions are $69.95 US for the 2GB and $79.95 US for the 4GB (the 8GB apparently cannot be personalized). If you don’t need the video lesson, knock five bucks off the price.

Source: The Gadgeteer

With gold prices going through the roof, who wouldn’t want an ingot in their pocket? Of course, this isn’t real gold or it would cost a lot more (not that it’s cheap, but bigleaf magnolia is less expensive than solid gold). It’s actually a wooden body covered with gold leaf so it looks like an ingot. I’d think this would be the perfect place to store your most important data with the Fort Knox connotation. This comes in 4GB only, and will run you $185.88 US.

Source: 7 Gadgets

Finally we have flash drives that will help you save Japan. Literally. The Incubot Shiroi flash drives come from the earthquake relief series. Each purchase donates a portion of the profit to the Japanese Red Cross and Safecast. You get to choose between Nekobot and Voltron, each of which is 2GB. Individually, they are $20.00 US each, but if you pick them both up at once you’ll get them for a total cost of $37.00 US. Why not order one today and make a difference?

Source: Technabob

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