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Up until now, I’ve been packing a small wireless Microsoft mouse to accompany my laptop when I hit the road. It comes with a USB receiver that embeds into the mouse itself for easy travel, but wireless mice have their bugs and they are more of a battery draw. Sometimes, you want something simpler and it is at those times that you may consider the Choiix Accu-Mouse. Let’s check it out!

An Accurate Mouse for Traveling Techies

The Choiix Accu-Mouse (C-PM01-W2) is nowhere near as small as the wired mouse that comes with the Targus Netbook Accessory Kit, but that’s probably a good thing. It’s much more comfortable for people with regular-sized hands.

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It’s still nowhere as large as something like a Logitech MX Revolution, but you have to realize that the Accu-Mouse is meant to be quite small and quite portable. In that respect, it wins. As you can see from the image above, it’s not quite as long as the Xbox 360 controller is tall. The Accu-Mouse is a nice, comfortable size.

The overall white and gray color scheme may remind you of a certain company from Cupertino, but that bright green school wheel gives you a huge dash of personality in an otherwise nondescript device. It does show design similarities with the whole slew of accessories that Targus came out with, which are made for said Cupertino company’s computers.

The Hidden USB Connector and Cable

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Perhaps the biggest selling feature for the Choiix Accu-Mouse is its hidden USB connector and cable. Even with my Microsoft wireless mouse, the USB dongle can stick out from the overall body when it is stowed away. Such is not the case here.

If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that the Choiix Accu-Mouse was a wireless mouse and it’s missing its dongle. And you’d be wrong. All you have to do is flip the spring-loaded hatch on the underside and you’ll discover the fairly standard-looking USB connector.

When you pull on this, you get access to the super thin 750mm (about 30-inch) cable. It’s not the longest cable in the world, but it’s just about the right length for most laptops, assuming that you have an available USB port on the back or right. Looping the cable from the left of your notebook could be a bit of a pain.

Accuracy and Comfort

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It’s right there in its name, so you’d assume that the Choiix Accu-Mouse is accurate, right? I wouldn’t recommend it for gaming purposes or anything like that, but as an 800dpi optical mouse, I think it’s perfectly suitable for most basic needs. The USB report rate is 125 times a second. By no means is this a performance mouse, but I was perfectly satisfied with my web browsing experience.

The Accu-Mouse is quite comfortable to use too. It has been contoured to fit your hand and everything clicks just right. Naturally, I don’t get into the cramping that I do with some other smaller notebook mice, but your mileage will vary based on your hands and preferences.

MegaTechie Roadworthy or MegaTechie Roadkill?

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The Choiix Accu-Mouse is simple, but effective in what it does. The retractable USB cable is a definite plus and the overall aesthetic is very pleasing to the eye. I’m no Apple fanboy, but I’m digging the white and gray.

On the downside, it is quite limited in its functionality. You get the left and right mouse buttons, as well as a clicking scroll wheel, but that’s about it. The scroll wheel doesn’t offer horizontal scroll and there are no extra buttons for additional functions. I’m used to having an extra button or two for my thumb.

Retailing for about twenty bucks, I think the Choiix Accu-Mouse is a good option for the traveling notebook user who’d prefer a wired connection over a wireless one. Myself, I think I still want wireless, even if I have to deal with batteries.

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