Master Pan: One Pan To Cook Them All Beth Snyder October 8, 2015 Extras If you’re any kind of a cook, you’ll recognize this scenario: A fabulous meal is on the table, perhaps accented by flowers or candles, arranged beautifully on serving platters, plates and bowls, and you stand ready to accept the compliments which are surely forthcoming from your dining partners. Sounds great, right? But wait… Behind you in the kitchen is what can only be described as sheer and utter chaos. Bowls, utensils, plates, and most of all pans are stacked in the sink and on the counters, amounting to a huge mountain of dirty dishes that someone will have to clean. While the Master Pan cannot solve all of your dirty dishes woes, it can substantially reduce the number of pans you have to clean at any given meal. Because the Master Pan is a five-compartment nonstick skillet/griddle designed specifically to allow you to cook up to five different foods at a time without worrying that they’ll all run together. And when you’re done, you have just one pan to clean! It’s really kind of brilliant. Breakfast is the meal that leaps to mind, with eggs, potatoes, meat, and pancakes fitting nicely into the Master Pan. But you can cook any type of meal you want, especially given the heavy bottom of the die cast aluminum pan that distributes the heat flow evenly among the outer compartments while leaving the center section 15-20% hotter to better grill meats. All the components of almost any meal can be cooked in the Master Pan and should all be finished at about the same time, a feat I only rarely accomplish in my kitchen. The Master Pan is dishwasher safe, and its Bakelite handle is safe in the oven at 350F for up to an hour. Total available cooking space is 15″ x 12″ x 1.25″ (about 38 x 30.5 x 3 cm), so you won’t be able to cook a huge meal for a lot of people, but it’s primarily being marketed as campfire cookware. I’m more a fan of cooking on a stick over a fire, but I can see the value in having something like the Master Pan along for foods that don’t lend themselves well to stick roasting. The biggest drawback is price. Suggested retail on the Master Pan is $90.00 US, but you can find it for as low as $69.99 US if you do a little searching. If you’ve got the extra money burning a hole in your pocket, there are worse ways to spend it. Source: Coolest Gadgets Share This With The World!