
Back in early February we reported that a live-action Legend of Zelda TV show was rumored to be in the works for Netflix, where it would join other service-exclusive shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. Did you get excited? Well then whoops, it turns out it’s not true.

In our defense, we did say to take it with a big grain of salt. It was a story with only one source, and while that source was the Wall Street Journal, it’s still only one source. According to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, the WSJ’s story was “not based on correct information,” which is a weird way to shoot the rumor down seeing as how it’s not a flat-out denial. It should probably be taken as such, though.

Considering how protective Nintendo is with its characters, especially its core characters, this news really shouldn’t come as a surprise. A live-action Zelda series was a nice dream while it lasted, but we have to accept the fact that Hyrule will likely never see celluloid (yes, I know it’s all digital now).


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