Hitting Hi-Def with Flip Mino HD Camcorder Michael Kwan November 12, 2008 You know how everyone got all excited over the Flip pocket camcorder and how it made spontaneous video recording so remarkably easy for all the soccer moms and average Joes of the world? It was cheap and user-friendly, and while the video quality was decent, it was only standard definition. There’s a definite push toward high-definition video these days the guys at Pure Digital, makers of the Flip camcorder, are jumping all over this rising trend with the announcement of the Flip Mino HD. As its name implies, this new camcorder is aesthetically identical to the older Flip Mino, except you’ll notice the “HD” notation on the labeling. If you were hoping for optical zoom, you’re still out of luck. Naturally, the optics have been improved, so the 4GB pocket camcorder can now capture your memories at a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. The software has been updated and, as you can probably guess, the price has been bumped. The Flip Mino HD will retail for $229.99 at stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Staples. Share This With The World!