My first article at MEGATechNews discussed five Android apps that I use everyday. In reality, that was only four short months ago. In my version of reality, things move at radical speeds. Re-reading that article, I was surprised to find that out of the five apps I listed, four of them I rarely use at all anymore.

Pulse, the RSS reader, is off of my phone entirely. As a matter of fact, I haven’t been reading much RSS feeds at all lately. Too little time, perhaps? Meebo, the all-one-chat client, is still there, though I use it less than I used to as I prefer chatting on my laptop. The same goes for GTasks. While it’s still on my phone, I rarely even look at it and instead do my organizing on my computer. And Evernote? I suppose I just don’t take as many notes as I used to.

It’s pretty telling that Reddit is Fun is the only app I still use everyday. In fact, a lot of the time I used to spend reading RSS feeds is now spent on Reddit.

Just because I use those apps less doesn’t mean I’ve begun neglecting my phone. It’s still by my side every day and a new crop of apps have risen up to replace the old.


I’m an avid reader. Well, I want to be an avid reader. I love fiction but, like many, my attention span isn’t what I wish it was. Still, I read quite a bit, and Aldiko is a lovely little ebook app for Android. It has a surprising amount of features for an app with such a simple purpose and is incredibly easy to use when it comes to adjust brightness, text size, etc.


An odd name for an awesome app. Shortyz is an open source crossword puzzle application for Android and I am an avid crossword puzzler. Every day it automatically downloads a handful of new crosswords, some from the web and others from magazines and newspapers, even larger publications like US and the Los Angeles Times. Touchscreens are ideal for crossword puzzles and Shortyz proves it.


I have an HTC Droid Incredible and the default camera is a bit of a pain to use because you have to either use the little button or press somewhere on the screen to snap a photo. Vignette, a camera app, not only offers a wealth of filters, effects, and shooting modes, but it lets you use the volume controls on the side of the phone to take pictures, which works far better than the default method.


Not too long ago, Netflix finally brought their app to select Android devices and I was lucky enough to own one of the compatible models. The interface is incredibly slick and, assuming you’re getting decent reception, the picture is very sharp. While I don’t use it much more when I actually leave the house, it’s still great for lying in bed at night and watching South Park.

CNN News

CNN’s official app is an easy way to get the days news, assuming you don’t have a problem with the “mainstream” media. I personally like to get my news from this guy Todd who considers himself a “freedom fighter” and broadcasts from his parent’s basement, but unfortunately he doesn’t have his own app. Yet.

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