It’s been a while since I’ve seen a new LEGO gadget, but here’s another one to fuel my obsession. With my job, I come and go at all hours of the day and night, so I always keep a small flashlight on my keyring just in case. Yes, I do have motion activated porch lights, but the batteries could go dead, and knowing how my life works that will be at 4am during a severe thunderstorm.

So, I’m ordering one of these. I would order more, but they brilliantly made the batteries replaceable (2 x CR2025 included). The arms, legs, hands and head are movable, and each foot contains an LED light on the bottom. The only sad thing about that is it means you can’t play with them like a regular minifig, but I guess I can deal with it. They are available in red or blue, which means I may buy both of them so I can change them depending on my mood. Each one measures 2.75? tall (excluding chain) x 1.375? x 0.75?. Price ranges from around $7.00 to $10.00 US depending on where you shop.

Source: Geek Alerts

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