If you’re anything like me, you spend an irrational amount of time flinging birds at pigs when you should really be doing something else. There’s just something about the way the pigs mock you when you fail that makes me need to keep going until I get them all. Thus far I have managed to avoid all of the Angry Birds merchandise I’ve seen (well, other than the several variations of the game, but that’s different), but these might just overcome my willpower.

The red bird speaker is compatible with any phone, music player or tablet that has a 3.5mm jack. It also comes with a device stand, and will retail for $89.99 US. The black bird speaker will work with pretty much all incarnations of all iDevices…iPhone, iPod, and iPad. It comes with a remote, and will retail for $129.99 US. And then there is the helmet pig. You’ll have to run the risk that you won’t be able to stop yourself from smashing his head. He is compatible only with iPod and iPhone (just like the pigs, with limited helpfulness). It also comes with a remote control, and will retail for $119.99 US.

These are not yet on the market, and everything I’ve been able to find simply says “coming soon”. I have no idea what their definition of “soon” might be. But keep your eyes peeled… even with the pretty spendy price tags, these are going to go like hotcakes.

Source: The Gadgeteer

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