Boston PD Overreacts to Creative Marketing Stephen Fung February 1, 2007 Extras A gorilla ad campaign that had been active for weeks in 9 other U.S. cities, consisting of LEDs arranged in a pattern resembling the “Mooninites” from the hit show Aqua Teen Hunger Force, scared the living bejesus out of Boston authorities Tuesday. Resembling a bomb much like any other random electrical device, these LED arrangements were mistakenly called just that, and now the city is out of close to a million dollars. The two kids behind it are being lambasted for doing something like this in a “post 9-11 world.” The defendants were arraigned this morning. Berdovsky and Stevens smiled and waved during their court appearance. They made a mockery of a news conference outside the courtroom by only discussing hairstyles. Defense attorney Michael Rich instructed both men not to discuss the case. At this time, no one in Boston government is being charged with “overall stupidity” ,”lack of rational thought”, “fear mongering”, or “post 9-11 hysteria.” Details are still coming in because Boston authorities are, in fact, incompetent to the highest degree attainable, so more charges may be brought. Source: CBS 4: Boston Picture of LED Mooninites on eBay! Share This With The World!