We’ve all had terrible movie-going experiences. Now, going to the movies is practically my favorite thing to do in the entire world, so I don’t expect everyone to treat it as a sacred thing the way that I do, but if you put down your hard-earned cash to see a movie, you want it to be an enjoyable, uninterrupted experience, right?

If AMC Theaters – the largest (or soon-to-be largest, I don’t remember) theater chain in the world - follows through with their latest idea, you might want to start going elsewhere if you prefer your movies sans-interruption. While it’s important to note that this idea is simply being discussed right now, according to AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron, they’re considering lifting the “no texting” policy that most theaters have in place. Of course, talking on your phone would still be prohibited, but moviegoers would be free to text, tweet, and engage in other phone-based activities, regardless of how the bright screens on their phones would disturb the other patrons.

Another thing I should mention is that when Aron brought the idea up, he mentioned having text-friendly auditoriums, so those who didn’t want to be distracted by smartphone screens (i.e. anyone who cares about movies) could stick to showings that were less phone-friendly. However, I would guess that those showings would fill up faster, and unlucky moviegoers could be stuck in a theater full of tweeters.

I understand how business works (actually, I don’t), and I understand that for most young people, their phones are attached at the hip. I could definitely imagine a scenario where tweens and teens would flock to a showing that allowed them to openly use their phones during the movie. I don’t like imagining it, though. What’s the point of paying a premium to see a film on the big screen if you’re going to spend half of it staring at a small screen? If I wanted to see a film, and the only available option was one of these “text friendly” showings, I’d sooner go to another theater altogether.

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