YouTube Mobile Getting Redesign Dylan Duarte April 13, 2015 News According to a recent email that YouTube sent to its content partners, more than half of all YouTube content watched is watched on mobile devices. This shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does. When my stepbrother first got his iPod Touch, he would lie in bed for hours watching content. And now it’s becoming a nightly (and unhealthy) habit for me, lying in bed at night watching stuff on my phone before nodding off and dropping my phone on my face. Clearly, we aren’t the only ones. YouTube mobile revenue is up 200%, so it only makes sense that they’re putting more of their focus into it, starting with a huge redesign that will look something like this: There are two more pictures in the gallery, one that shows what search results look like and what your own playlists page will look like. Oddly enough, according to the Twitter user who posted the photos, you can’t see the videos in your own channels. Share This With The World!