Pebble Time Discounted By Fifty Bucks, Time Round Too Michael Kwan March 1, 2016 News Well, it’s about time they got ’round to doing this. Sorry. I couldn’t resist. If you’ve been anxious to get your hands around a shiny new smartwatch, or rather you’ve been anxious to a shiny new smartwatch around your wrist, then the good folks at Pebble are happily come to the rescue. They’ve decided to knock $50 off the price of both the Pebble Time and the Pebble Time Round. What this means is that you can now get the square-faced Pebble Time for $149.99 or its circular-faced cousin for $199.99. In case you had the unfortunate misfortune of purchasing one of these smartwatches recently at their respective higher price points, you’re also in luck. As long as you purchase was after January 21, you can ask Pebble to make up the difference to you. You just have to request the price adjustment before April 1, giving you a full month to get fifty bucks back into your pocket. Email with your original order number and the subject line “Price Adjustment.” The price cut puts these Pebbles in line with some of the more recent competition, though there is no discount on the Time Steel. That’s still getting listed at its regular $249.99. The discount on the Time and Time Round is not for a limited time either; $150 and $200 are the new prices moving forward. They’re also expanding availability in the EU and UK with prices that more closely align with the US scheme. Via the Pebble blog Share This With The World!