I love my Thunderbolt, I truly do. I honestly don’t think I could have made a better choice for my first smartphone. But I hate the battery life, especially on 4G. It’s a rare day that I don’t have to charge my phone at least once, and I always put it on the charger when I go to bed at night. I understand why that is, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw this!

PowerSkin, as iPhone users already know, is a silicone case that houses built-in batteries that can double the life of your phone between charges. In my world, this will make the difference between being able to phone for a taxi home after work and having to either try to find an elusive pay phone or hope I can borrow someone else’s. The case is ruggedly built to protect your phone from most of life’s little mishaps, and features 1500 mAh battery capacity. Which means with an HTC Sensation your talk time will increase by about 360 minutes, while the Thunderbolt will increase by about 340 minutes.

But the goodness doesn’t stop there, even though it could and I would still be standing in line to buy one. PowerSkin has designed it so it will fully accommodate the phone’s kickstand, leaves the HDMI port accessible at all times, and has an optically engineered camera lens window that is designed to prevent flash glare from the skin which might ruin your photos. Not only that, but its made of 100% recycled materials, so you’re helping the environment as well!

When you get back to where there is power available for charging, just plug it in as your normally do. PowerSkin will charge your handset before charging itself, so you’ll be good to go in short order.

These aren’t quite available yet, but are supposed to be on the market from the middle of this month. You can pre-order them now directly from PowerSkin for $49.99 US (which is $10.00 off MSRP), or you can wait until they hit the stores. Me, I pre-ordered mine yesterday. I can’t wait for it to arrive. The only negative I can find is that it only comes in black, and I have this obsession with purple. But it’s not really a deal-breaker for me.

Source: CoolestGadgets

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