Apple Releases Apple Music App for Android Dylan Duarte November 10, 2015 News Apple Music on Android, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! If you’re a fan of Apple Music but you own an Android device, today’s you’re lucky day. Apple has released a beta version of Apple Music specifically for Android and it’s available for download right now on the Google Play store. Apple has a very unique ecosystem and feel, so they worked hard to ensure that the Android version of Apple Music feels very much like an Android application. According to Apple executive Eddy Cue, they wanted Android users to feel as comfortable as possible. Don’t think I don’t see you sneaking into my Android, Apple. The Apple Music beta version for Android doesn’t have all of the features of the iOS app, but if you’re curious about the service then it’s certainly better than nothing. Users will also get a free three-month trial to take the service for a spin. That should be plenty of time to decide whether or not you want to pay for it. Share This With The World!